Oakdale Academy Students

Out of the desire to honor God, my family, my teachers, and Oakdale Academy, I endeavor to be honorable in character, honest in word and deed, and respectful to others. In humility and with integrity, I resolve to pursue a life of service to God, family, community, and country.

I commit to diligent study, patient reflection, and respect to all placed in authority over me. Together with fellow students, I am a steward of Oakdale Academy and commit myself to the pursuit of Truth, the love of the Good, and the cultivation of Beauty as I embrace the high calling of a liberal arts education.

Oakdale Academy Faculty and Staff

In answering God’s call to serve with honor at Oakdale Academy, I lead all students with integrity and intellectual honesty, and I endeavor to prepare them for a life of service to God, family, community, and country.

As one appointed to lead and guide, I demonstrate in my instruction and in virtuous living the love of the Good, the pursuit of Truth, and the cultivation of Beauty as essential foundations of the high calling of a liberal arts education.

Oakdale Academy Parents and Families

As a partner with Oakdale Academy, I strive honorably to support those who work in the lives of my children as we mutually seek to develop in them a life marked by virtue and dedication to the Lord.

United with Oakdale Academy, I steadfastly guide, mentor, and encourage my children in the pursuit of Truth, the love of the Good, the cultivation of Beauty, and the high calling of a liberal arts education so my family is prepared to serve God, family, community, and country.

Contact us
  • 3200 Beacham Drive, Waterford, MI 48329

Oakdale Academy
Oakdale Academy
Oakdale Academy
Oakdale Academy
Oakdale Academy