Welcome to the Oakdale Academy Distance Learning page.

Below, you will find class sites, lessons, plans, and resources.  

We want to remind parents that, during this time of unique circumstances, that you should consider the parental controls on your WiFi, internet browsers, etc.

As we navigate through this time of uncharted waters, we at Oakdale Academy look to continue to work so we can provide our students the best educational practices, even if not in person.

Helpful Videos:

Students should:

  • Go to www.classroom.google.com
  • enter their Oakdale Academy login (firstnamelastname@oakdaleacademy.com)
  • Click Next
  • enter their password (given to you in a packet/letter on March 18)
  • Click Next
  • All the classes you are assigned to will appear on the screen; you should click Join on each one
  • Enjoy your virtual/distance learning

Google Classroom Tutorial for Students

Lower School

Junior Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grades 3/4 4th Grade Literature Grade 5 Grade 6


Beginning Band Beginning Strings US Band US String P.E. P.E. (Mrs. Fox) Lower School PE


JK/K Music 1st-4th Music 5th/6th Music 7th-8th Men's Chorale 7th-8th Women's Chorale 7th-8th Mixed Chorale 9th-12th Men's Chorale 9th-12th Women's Chorale 9th-12th Mixed Chorale


1-2 grades 3-4 grades 5th grade 6th grade Middle School Upper school

Upper School


7th Ancient Lit 7th Foundations of Language 8th Grade American Lit Modern Literature Medieval Literature


Math 8/7 Algebra Algebra II Geometry Section 1 Geometry Section 2


Life science Physical science Earth science Chemistry Physics Biology


Latin 4 Latin 3 Latin 2


Freshman Ancient History Modern History--Western Civ 7th Grade Medieval History Survey


7th Foundations of Language Logic Rhetoric I Rhetoric II Apologetics Senior Capstone


Please note these are only resources and not endorsed by Oakdale Academy. Parents are encouraged to read any/all "fine print" and preview all websites, filters, ads, etc. prior to having their child(ren) use them.

Contact us
  • 3200 Beacham Drive, Waterford, MI 48329

Oakdale Academy
Oakdale Academy
Oakdale Academy
Oakdale Academy
Oakdale Academy